Weqaya launches a new campaign in an effort to combat the pandemic

Weqaya launches a new campaign to maintain the decrease in number of cases.

Covid-19 rate has been steadily decreasing in the UAE, especially after Eid al Adha, therefore, Weqaya launches a new campaign in an effort to encourage people to protect themselves, follow the safety precautions, and maintain the decrease in number of cases.


To curb the pandemic Weqaya is working towards encouraging the people of the UAE to maintain a healthy and safe community. This campaign will highlight the importance of following the safety precautions and measures such as wearing a mask, social distancing, sanitizing, cleaning our hands and commonly used surfaces and objects, and to not disregard safety precautions even if the individuals have been vaccinated.


Weqaya's campaign aims to elevate the UAE as a model of national unity and inspire everyone to preserve it. The UAE’s citizens, residents, and visitors are a key factor in the country's efforts to combat the covid-19 virus. Weqaya reminds the people of the UAE that it is everyone's responsibility to raise awareness and follow the safety precautions and measures.


Since the beginning, the UAE has acted as a global model in fighting the pandemic and utilizing its integrated national strategy to proactively ensure the safety of its citizens, residents and visitors while fighting Covid-19 in an efficient and structured manner. Health authorities and departments have always focused on ensuring that everyone living in the UAE has a healthy environment through safety measures and precautions.


To follow the progress of this campaign and stay up to date with the latest updates follow @weqayauae and the hashtag #Weqaya on all social media platforms.

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