UAE doctors warn about COVID-19 infection through eyes

UAE doctors warn about COVID-19 infection through eyes

People can get COVID-19 infection from the mouth and nose along with eyes when an infected person coughs, sneezes or talk with other individuals in close proximity. In this regard, doctors have advised against wearing lenses during the infection period until they are fully recovered.

Dr Ammar Safar, ophthalmologist at Moorfields Eye Hospital, explained that COVID-19 infection can enter the body through the eyes just like the mouth or nose.

"There is an equally prevalent possibility of infecting the eyes via particles spread through coughing, sneezing, or even by talking with an infected person at close proximity. One’s eyes can also get infected if they touch an infected surface and then rub their eyes. This is extremely dangerous as the virus could also potentially access the body and infect the lungs through the eyes,” Dr Safar added.

He further warned that COVID-19 can result in conjunctivitis if the virus gets transmitted to the eye. Dr Safar underlined that conjunctivitis can produce a sticky or runny discharge from the eye. It can cause pink eye infection among patients. If infected, the doctor advised COVID-19 patients to be on the lookout for symptoms such as redness and swelling in the eyes along with excessive tearing and irritation.

"One should ensure receiving proper treatment if they experience any of these symptoms to stop the virus from spreading to other organs,” he added.

Ophthalmologists prescribe eye drops to help patients in managing pain and irritation in the eye as a supportive treatment. However, Dr Safar further suggested avoiding wearing contact lenses and using sterile lubricating eye drops to keep the eyes moistened.

“Just like any virus, Covid-19 will need to run its course even if it infects the eyes,” he added.

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