Enhance self-care during isolation with these tips and tricks

Enhance self-care during isolation with these tips and tricks

With people adapting to the new normal in 2022, quarantining remains a recurrent need. With UAE continuing to witness decreasing COVID-19 cases, authorities have called on all community members to continue following safety rules.

According to studies and professionals, isolating in case of COVID-19 infection or close contact can have an adverse impact on people's mental health.

"Individuals are more likely to report exhaustion, detachment from others, anxiety, irritability, insomnia, poor concentration and indecisiveness, which leads to deteriorating work performance during quarantining," said Eleonore Brocq, clinical psychologist at Medcare Camali Mental Health Clinic.

Experts have recommended people to do various productive activities including yoga and exercise during the isolation period.

“It (Yoga) helps stretch the muscles out as it recovers from joint pain. I’ve found it also helps my mental health,” said Varsha Vasant, an architect in Dubai who contracted COVID-19 twice over the past two years.

Liane Fernandes, a social media and digital manager, recommend journaling and meditation as important methods to cope indoors.

Other activities can include, reading, colouring books, knitting, baking, online classes and spending more time with pets to boost the mood during isolation.

Here are some of the well-known activities that will help people in lifting their spirits during isolation.



Writing about your day and appreciating good things in your life can boost your mood and self-esteem in the long run.


Catch enough sleep

It is important to get a good night’s rest to restore the immune system and protect mental health.


Work on a project

Use your brain power and come up with a project to work on. It will keep you busy during the isolation period and help in developing new skills.


Stay connected with loved ones

Connect with your dear ones over text or video calls. Message those friends you’ve been meaning to catch up with. Social connections will enhance your mental health during the tiring people.


Keep your body moving

Watch YouTube workout videos, exercise, walk around the house. Practice Yoga. It will help reduce the tiredness of the body and bring up all the serotonin to improve mental well-being.


Create a routine

With things getting out of control, it will be beneficial to establish structure. Create a routine on a daily or weekly basis. Make a to-do list. It will help you organising your day to strengthen productivity and improve mental wellbeing.


Learn new skills

Use this time to learn and try new things or skills. You can listen to podcasts or read new books to connect to your inner self. It will uplift your mood and help in improving your existing capabilities. 

SOURCE: The National News

LINKS: https://www.thenationalnews.com/lifestyle/wellbeing/2022/02/15/self-care-during-self-isolation-tips-and-products-to-boost-your-mood-during-quarantine/

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