Dubai updates isolation rules for infected people and close contacts

Dubai updates isolation rules for infected people and close contacts

Dubai authorities have issued updated guidelines for individuals testing positive for COVID-19 in the city. Here are the latest protocols for individuals living in Dubai as issued by the Dubai Health Authority (DHA).


Who is a COVID-19 confirmed case?

A person with a positive PCR (Polymerase Chain Reaction) test result for COVID-19, irrespective of their symptoms, is considered to be a confirmed case. The test must be conducted at an approved medical facility for verified result.


What should I do in case of a positive test result?

If an individual test positive for COVID-19, here are the steps to be followed:

1. Immediate isolation in a separate room as soon as the positive test results are generated. The person must also inform their direct manager and HR department.

2. Install COVID-19 DXB App in your smartphone and follow the required steps.

3. If case of no symptoms, people are still required to complete the 10-day home or institutional isolation. However, there is no need for another PCR test after the completion of the isolation period.

4. If case of any symptoms, the individual must call DHA's toll-free number 800 342 to book a virtual medical consultation through the “Doctor for Every Citizen” service or book an appointment at a COVID-19 assessment centre.

5. After completion of the isolation period, the person will receive a clearance certificate via SMS.

If an individual is unable to meet home isolation requirements, they can contact the DHA hotline on 800 342 and request a transfer to an institutional isolation facility.


What is the duration of the isolation period?

The isolation period is for 10 days, starting from the day the PCR test was taken. Furthermore, it can also be extended till the symptoms subside. In addition, it is important the patient does not have any symptoms or fever by the 10th day, (without fever reducing medication) for a minimum of three consecutive days.


When is COVID-19 considered to be infectious?

According to scientific studies, COVID-19 is most contagious in the first 10 days of the infection. The risk can decline by the end of the first 7 to 10 days of the infection.

Therefore, 10-day quarantine in crucial for patients to prevent the spread of infection and ensure the health and safety of others.

Scientific studies have also pointed out that the COVID-19 virus was found to be inactive, after the 10 days of infection.


Does the patient have to have a negative PCR test to end their isolation?

As per the updated protocols, a negative PCR test is not required for infected patients to end their 10-day isolation. However, it is important for people to have no fever for at least 3 days with no fever reduction medications before the isolation is completed.


Can I practise my normal life after isolation with a positive test result or will it be a violation?

A positive test result after completing isolation period will not invite fines or penalties. Furthermore, the individual can resume normal life and work as per their usual schedule. However, the authorities have called on the public to continue compliance with precautionary measures announced by the concerned authorities, including wearing face masks and maintaining physical distance of 2m to avoid fines.


Can I get a clearance certificate?

Yes, a clearance certificate will be issued after completing the isolation period. People can call at 800 342 or get their certificate through the COVID-19 DXB smart app.


Who is eligible for home isolation?

All confirmed COVID-19 patients who are asymptomatic or have mild symptoms are eligible for home isolation.


What are the conditions for home isolation?

• Using a separate room with a private bathroom

• Patient’s health should be stable

• No high-risk category member is in the house

• Availability of means of communication such as an active phone number

• Patient and other house members are complying with precautions recommended as part of home isolation.

• A first-aid kit that includes a thermometer

In case of any symptoms, the patient can receive necessary support and consultation for emergency cases through the COVID19-DXB smart app. They can also call DHA's toll-free number 800342 or the ambulance at 997.


Guidelines for close contacts:

The DHA has also issued quarantine guidelines for those considered to be close contacts of a positive case. Here are the conditions that need to be met:

1. A person who is exposed to a confirmed COVID-19 patient, in a close proximity of one metre or less, for a period of not less than 15 minutes; or

2. A person who is in direct physical contact with a positive case through handshake or hug at least two days before the positive patient presented symptoms or two days before the patient performed the PCR test done or during the 10 days of illness/isolation.


Here are the safety protocols needed to be followed by close contacts:

1. Quarantine in a separate room for at least seven days and follow precautionary measures to ensure others' safety

2. DHA will contact the close contact to inform them about the necessary protocols or they call the DHA on the toll-free number 800 342

3. After completion of the 7-day quarantine period, there is no need to undergo a PCR test if there are no symptoms.

4. In case of any symptoms during the quarantine period, immediately call 800 342 to book a PCR test appointment and for medical consultation

5. If the test result is positive, the close contact must undergo 10-day isolation period. In case of a negative test result, completion of the seven-day quarantine period is required.


When does the quarantine period start?

The seven-day quarantine period begins two days before the confirmed COVID-19 positive patient conducted the PCR test. In another situation, it also begins at least two days before the confirmed COVID-19 positive case showed any COVID-19 symptoms, in case of contact with the individual.

Close contact can end their quarantine after Day 7 without the need for testing, if there are no visible symptoms during daily monitoring.


What should I do if I develop symptoms during home quarantine?

· Immediately call toll-free number 800 342 to book an appointment for a PCR test in an approved COVID-19 testing centre or visit a certified private health facility for a PCR test.

· Before heading towards the health facility for the test, necessary precautionary measures like wearing face masks and maintaining social distancing must be followed

· Make sure to maintain a physical distance of no less than two meters with other people at all times.

· Ensure to continuously wash or sanitised your hands and spaces you touch. Maintain healthy respiratory hygiene to protect others from infection.


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