Covid-19 vaccines imperative to help UAE students return to schools

Covid-19 vaccines imperative to help UAE students return to schools

 A top UAE official said that getting administered with Covid-19 vaccine is an imperative step to offer protection to children as they gradually return to schools in next academic year. 


“Despite the low number of positive cases among children, vaccination is very important because students are gradually going back to face-to-face (learning in) schools next year. Our message to all parents is to be rest assured that this vaccination will help all of us feel safe and protect the health and wellness of our children,” said Dr Farida Al Hosani, Official Spokesperson for UAE's health sector, during the first media briefing after Eid Al Fitr.


Last week, Pfizer-BioNTech Covid-19 vaccine was approved by the UAE for administration to children of 12-18 years on emergency basis.


“The approval has been based on the clinical trial studies, the strict evaluation for emergency use permit and the local assessment in accordance with the local rules and regulations,” Dr Farida added.


She has urged all parents to get kids vaccinated for their safety. “Vaccination of children is important. It will reduce the burden on parents who have their children still receiving remote learning.”


“The UAE once again affirms its proactive approach to protect the health and safety of all members of the community. Expanding the coverage of vaccination to include this group would open the door for vaccinating a large number of citizens and residents in the country, and vaccinating the largest segment of society, thus contributing to reaching herd immunity,” she continued adding Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine approval for children is a significant step to protect children, curb the virus spread and achieve herd immunity.


Dr Farida emphasized that all the four Covid-19 vaccines available in the UAE are undergoing local assessment. She further pointed out that community members must adopt a healthy lifestyle to boost their immunity. Healthy lifestyle strategies include no smoking, follow a healthy diet rich in minerals and fiber, regular exercise, maintaining a healthy weight, getting enough sleep, avoiding stress-causing factors, and following all preventive and precautionary protocols.


“We recommend regular testing for vitamin D to ensure that it is not low, and we stress the importance of vitamins D, C and zinc, which are supplements that enhance immunity and help the body in fighting infectious diseases, including the prevention of Covid-19. Studies have shown that deficiency in one of these vitamins may make the body more susceptible to the disease due to the important role they play in strengthening the immune system in the human body.” 


Urging all community members to continue supporting the country in its fight against pandemic, Dr Farida said, “The UAE sought to involve the community in all steps to overcome the crisis by raising public awareness of developments and scientific facts related to the Covid-19 virus. One of the most important elements supporting recovery is the adoption of practices that increase the immunity of individuals.”


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