Abu Dhabi, Dubai authorities confirm markets free of suspected Kinder chocolates

Abu Dhabi, Dubai authorities confirm markets free of suspected Kinder chocolates

Abu Dhabi Agriculture and Food Safety Authority (ADAFSA) has confirmed that all Kinder products with alleged links to food poisoning in European countries over salmonella infections have been removed from markets in the Emirate. A similar announcement was made by Dubai Municipality, confirming that no Kinder Surprise chocolate product linked to the salmonella cases is present in Dubai markets. At the same time, Kinder Middle East Dubai Branch has recalled the product from local markets in the Emirates.

Issuing a notification, ADAFSA noted that inspectors conducted a thorough review of the suspected products in the markets as soon as an alert was received from the European System for Rapid Warning of Precautionary Withdrawal regarding some batches of Kinder’s suspected products.

In addition, ADAFSA has called on the public not to believe rumours and circulate anonymous information about food safety. They are encouraged to receive their updates as well as pass relevant information related to food safety through ADAFSA's social media accounts or through the Abu Dhabi Government Call Center number 800555.


Reviewing shipments

Meanwhile, ADAFSA has coordinated with numerous suppliers and food facilities to review the product. It has also communicated with local agent Ferrero which produces the chocolates to ensure the safety of products currently available in Abu Dhabi’s markets.

The authority also reviewed shipments of Kinder products entering Abu Dhabi, noting that they were free from any suspected materials. As a precautionary measure, the company producing this chocolate has withdrawn the product from all European countries.

In its press statement, ADAFSA has affirmed that all suspected products would be withdrawn from the shelves immediately and immediate action would be taken in accordance with the condition of the product.


Consistent monitoring

ADAFSA has also assured the public that all possible measures are taken by Abu Dhabi authorities to prevent adulterated and unhealthy products from reaching the emirate’s markets. ADAFSA inspectors are strictly controlling and regulating the supply chain of all food products traded at different outlets.

The authority added that all products are allowed to be displayed and sold only after they are in compliance with approved safety standards. Furthermore, authorities are conducting frequent inspections and sampling of food items to enhance the safety of products consumed by the public.

ADAFSA has also noted that the new UAE policy promotes healthy lifestyles as it works on the principles of transparency, community partnership and positive effect. Multiple channels of communication are dedicated to ensuring smooth operations and redressal of public complaints. 

SOURCE: Gulf News

LINK: https://gulfnews.com/uae/health/abu-dhabi-dubai-markets-free-of-suspected-kinder-chocolates

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