Study shows low survival rate in heart patients with Covid-19

Study shows low survival rate in heart patients with Covid-19

The survival rate is significantly lower in a person who also has Covid-19, even though they may be younger than typical heart patients, a new study has revealed.


The researchers analyzed data of more than 80,000 people with history of heart attacks in the United States of America in 2019 or 2020. About 76,000 of them had heart attacks at home or at work, or in other community setting. In this group, 15.2 per cent who contracted Covid-19 later died in the hospital, compared to 11.2 per cent of heart attack patients who did not get infected with Covid-19. The other 4,000 patients who were already hospitalised when they suffered with a heart, 78.5 per cent of those with Covid-19 died, compared to 46.1 per cent without Covid-19.


The finding was published in a report on Friday in JAMA. Overall, the Covid-19 patients with heart attack were more likely to have gone into arrest and less likely to undergo procedures to heart arteries.


The researchers have added that more research is needed to understand why Covid-19 increases the risk for in heart attacks patients.


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