Covid-19 gathering violations: Abu Dhabi Police refer 1,688 violations to Emergency Prosecution

Covid-19 gathering violations: Abu Dhabi Police refer 1,688 violations to Emergency Prosecution

 The Covid-19 guidelines on gathering violations have caused referring of 1,688 violations by the Abu Dhabi Police to the Emergency, Crisis and Disasters Prosecution. These guidelines were issued by the Attorney General, and all community members were urged to follow them to ensure safety of all community members.


The Police has booked 47 violators for holding gatherings, 1,641 for attending these assemblies and 11 for holding wedding parties that directly violated the issued measures. The Police and the Emergency, Crisis and Disasters Prosecution have urged community members to continue following all Covid-19 precautionary measures to help government in limiting spread of coronavirus.


The Abu Dhabi Police have intensified monitoring of all gatherings and celebrations in desert areas, public areas and on private farms to tackle the spread of virus. A fine of AED10,000 will be imposed on anyone found organising a gathering, and AED5,000 fine on anyone attending such gathering.

The public can report such violations by calling AMAN Service on 8008626 toll free, sending an SMS to 2828, by emailing [email protected], or through the Attorney General's smart platform (My Safe Society app) on Apple App Store or Google Play Store.


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